All Recipes,  Bread

Gluten-Free Flour

This is BY FAR the best gluten-free flour ever!  My family and I do not eat exclusively gluten-free, we just try to avoid it as much as possible.  But most of the gluten-free flour I have found in the store either doesn’t taste good or, most importantly, it is incredibly unhealthy.  They are usually full of potato starch and white rice.  My recipe is whole grain and tastes good in everything from pancakes to pastry.

All these measurements are rough estimates (except for the xanthan/guar gum).  I just get out a big bowl and a measuring cup and dump – no need to be exact.



3 c. brown rice flour

2 c. almond flour

1/2 c. ground chia seeds

1/2 c. milled flax seed

1/2 c. garbanzo bean flour (can have a strange taste to it when it’s raw but that goes away once it’s cooked)

2 c. tapioca flour

2 c. sorghum flour

1 c. millet flour

1 c. oat flour

2 T. guar gum or xanthan gum (I prefer the results I get from guar gum but xanthan gum is more popular and easier to find)


Mix it all together and store in an airtight container.  If you don’t have all of the flours listed you can substitute more oat, almond or brown rice flours for any of the others.  I just love the flavor that you get from this particular combination and I also love that everything I make has a great mix of lots of different grains, seeds, nuts and roots.

Some of these ingredients may be hard to find at your local grocery store.  I order most of mine from  They have the best prices around and ship super fast.

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Here’s a few links to my favorite types of flour: